This is a texture pack for the game "Minecraft" that adds movement to the game.It is not affiliated with Mojang or Minecraft.
The motion blur texture pack 12 has been created by an individual who wishes to remain anonymous. It's based around motion blurs and camera movements in order to imitate real life and creates a more immersive experience within the game. For any questions, please contact us at: motionblur12@yahoo. co.ukmotionblur12@gmail.comABOUT THE TEXTURE PACK "MOTION BLUR"The original texture pack was created less than 2 years ago by one of the original authors, the original author is no longer active in the community and is unavailable to comment on this texture pack. It has seen 4 official updates since release and continues to be well received by players of the game.This texture pack has 2 main features, motion blurs and camera movements
This project is currently in development, with each layer being completed one at at time. it will most likely include the following sections.
This is still a WIP with most sections not completed, but all textures are up to date and update daily with most updates being only small bug fixes.This texture pack is simple; it has many more adjustments then the original motion blur texture pack. There are 8 different motion blurs which can be tweaked through "settings" in game to adjust them to your liking. It also has full zoom functionality which can be adjusted via settings to achieve better quality without distortion. The texture pack is also compatible with the /mcpack command /mcpack "motionblur12"
Every texture is hand painted for a realistic look and feel. This texture pack also features various textures to mimic various aspects of real life such as artifacts, scratches, dust and dirt which add realism.This texture pack is still in development and will eventually add more features such as:
The author of this pack has proposed an idea to implement a feature in minecraft that would be used by one of the textures in the texture pack. It has been said that this feature, if added to the game would make the texture pack more difficult to create. This feature is a hand movements blur which when used with a camera movement would allow the creation of a much more realistic in game effect. This idea is only still being debated and no decision has been made as to whether or not it will be included in the texture pack in the future.The idea of adding a movement blur that uses your hand movements was an addition from one of our artists from Russia, he suggested the idea and we have been working on it since.
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